Steps to register
- Click on register tab at the top
- Fill in the details and click on register
- Login with your credentials
- Congrats !!! You are succesfully registered on website
Provision for only attending the conference
In case, you want to attend the conference and do not want to present or submit a paper, then follow these steps :
- After registering on the website, login with your credentials
- Pay the Registration Fee through NEFT (or in worst case DD). The detials of online payment are given on the conference website
- Select "upload payment Receipt" (Scanned copy of the online payment receipt or DD) option from the navbar at top
- Upload picture of ID proof and the payment receipt
Steps to Upload the paper
- Select upload paper option from navbar
- Enter the title of the paper
- Upload the paper in pdf format only as per the paper template which is available at important links of this website. No other formats are allowed
- A confirmation mail stating the tracking id will be sent to you
Peer review process
- The uploaded papers will be checked for similarity index
- If it satisfy the required similarity index then the papers are sent to reviewers for peer review process.
- The reviewers' recommendations determine whether a paper will be accepted for publication / accepted subject to change / subject to resubmission with significant changes / accepted for oral presentation / rejected
- The recommendations of the reviewer will uploaded onto the website and the authors can view and do incorporate the corrections, if any.
- For papers which require changes, the same reviewers will be used to ensure that the quality of the revised paper is acceptable.
"Final Submission and Payment of Registration fee"
- Upon acceptance of a manuscript for publication/presentation, the author has to pay the full registration fee.
- The payment of the registration fee is through NEFT (or in worst case DD). The detials of online payment are given on the conference webiste
- Select "upload payment Receipt" (Scanned copy of the online payment receipt or DD) option from the navbar at top
- Upload picture of ID proof and the payment receipt
- Then from the same upload paper option, go to "final paper upload"
- Upload Copyright Form (which is available at important links page)
- Upload final paper, and you are done !!